What The World Doesn’t See by Mel Darbon 

Maudie and Jake’s family is falling apart – their mum hasn’t been coping with the grief of losing their dad as well as Maudie thought, and one night she disappears. Maudie is already struggling, but when Jake gets put into care she can’t take it any more. She can only think of one way to bring her family back together, and it involves kidnapping Jake.

On the run from the police in Cornwall, Jake and Maudie find something they never expected to find – freedom and love, but they still need to find their mum and a way to heal together. 

I absolutely loved this book. I loved the characters and the story. What The World Doesn’t See is a really sweet and tender book. The two main characters are based on the author and her brother, and I think this adds even more meaning to this story. The book itself is amazing, and it made me feel so many feelings. 

All of the characters were amazing, but my favorite is definitely Jiera. She just made me really happy, and I loved how calm she was when explaining her disability and nhow it’s not a bad thing.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet book about family, friendship, discovering yourself and first love.