Rebel Fire by Ann Sei Lin

After escaping the princess, Kurara and her shipmates set course for the Grand Stream where they hope to find the most powerful shikigami of all time. It may have the key to releasing shikigami from their bonds for good. However, the imperial powers are after the same shikigami that they are and 

This book is amazing. I could not put it down near the end. There is lots of adventure and suspense in this book. The setting of Rebel Fire is gorgeous and I am so glad that you get to see so many other parts of the world that hadn’t been shown in the first book. 

The idea of the Shikigami and the Crafters in this world are something that I often think about because I love them. The Shikigami are written in such a majestic and terrifying way that they stick in your head forever. In Rebel Fire you learn so much more about the Shikigami and it was so interesting to read about.

Rebel Fire is a sequel to Rebel Skies, and it definitely lived up to my expectations. There is so much mystery and adventure in this book, and I loved putting the information learned from the multiple perspectives together to create a full picture of what was happening.

In this book you get a deeper look into the characters from the first book and there are many new characters introduced. I love all of the characters and hope to learn more about some of the new ones in the next book.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy and adventure and anyone who likes Rebel Skies.