Paper Dragons follows Zhi Ging, a twelve year old who received an invitation to Hok Woh, an underwater school. Hok Woh could give her the chance to become immortal, to escape her town and to finally feel as though she belongs.
Each month she takes part in difficult trials that determine whether she will be allowed to continue her courses or if she will be sent home. Between these challenges Zhi Ging makes friends, participates in thrilling dragon boat races and learns about the amazing things the people of Hok Woh do to help the outside world. But when students who fail the trials start to disappear Zhi Ging needs to uncover the truth before it’s too late.
Paper Dragons is a really good book. I could not put it down and I finished it in only a couple of days.
Paper Dragons is really unique, I love how immortality works in this world, I love the floating jellyfish, I love almost everything about this book. The characters are all amazing. Each character is so different from each other and they all feel like real people.
Even reading the authors note for the book was great, it shows and explains some of the secret clues hidden in character and place names. I cannot wait to read the next book.