Interview with Sarah Webb

-What is your latest book about? 

My latest book is called Be Inspired! Young Irish People Changing the World and is about 28 different people who are doing remarkable things – from scientists to writers, sports people and artists.

-What was the hardest one of your books to write?

I think The Little Bee Charmer of Henrietta Street was the hardest as there was a lot of research involved. Luckily I love research! It’s set in 1911 so I had to find out all about that time in Irish history – which was fascinating. 

-What was the easiest one of your books to write? 

I wouldn’t say any of them have been easy to be honest. They all required time, energy and dedication. 

-What is the weirdest or most interesting thing you had to research for one of your books? 

The circus world was pretty fascinating! I researched it for The Little Bee Charmer. I found out that one of the first circus performances in the world took place in Dublin. And I found out all about bee charming too!

-If you were stranded on a desert island what 2 books, 2 movies and 2 animals would you bring? 

Animals – that’s easy – my two dogs, Lucky and Poppy.

Movies – Cinema Paradiso and Field of Dreams. They are two films I watch over and over again. I love the music in Cinema Paradiso too. 

Books – this is really hard! I’d bring a survival guide – on a practical level! So I could learn how to make a raft, fish, build a good shelter etc. And Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak – as I could pour over the illustrations. It’s one of my favourite books of all time.