Happy Head follows Seb, who gets selected to take part in Happy Head, a camp designed to prevent the epidemic of unhappiness in teenagers and prepare them for their future. Seb wants to use this chance to make his parents proud, but finds himself draw towards Finn, who is seen as a problem by Happy Head. Seb starts to question the true nature of the program and as the challenges get more and more disturbing, it’s clear that there might be no escape
Happy Head is a thrilling book with exciting and unexpected twists
I loved this book, it is impossible to put down, I ran into an embarrassingly large number of walls because of this. I loved most of the characters in this book (some are unlovable), all of the characters were interesting and different from each other. My favourite character was probably Mark because he seemed like a really nice guy unlike most of the people in this book.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoy young adult thrillers and I am so excited for the next book in the series.