Who Watches This Place by Amy Clarkin

Who Watches This Place is the sequel to What Walks These Halls. It follows PSI – Paranormal Surveyance Ireland. Since their encounter with Hyacinth House, there have been no ghosts to hunt and people are starting to doubt their honesty about ghosts existing more than ever. The Merrion Hub, a fancy and popular new business, has been having issues getting staff to work the night shift due to creepy and strange happenings. This gives PSI a chance to find some ghosts again, but the team is struggling to work together: Raven is struggling to adapt to her new clairvoyancy gift, Éabha is annoyed over Raven’s lack of effort, Fionn feels forgotten by the team and Davis is getting increasingly frustrated by the journalist convinced that PSI is a fraud.

I loved this book. It has everything I loved about the first book plus more in it. I really like the multiple point of views, I think there are five in this book, they give more insight into some characters who were more minor characters in the last book.

I love all of the characters in this book but Fionn is still my favorite. I was so happy when I learned that he had a point of view in the story. I even found myself counting chapters until his at a couple parts in the book. I really enjoyed getting to learn so much more about him.

This book is really fast paced and has a gripping storyline. I was told at the Who Watches This Place book launch to read the last 100 pages in one sitting because you won’t want to put it down while reading the end. This was great advice. I had to put the book down with only fifty pages left and I was not happy about it.

Who Watches This Place is great for anyone who likes creepy ghosts and mystery. It also has a lot of queer representation, romance and friendships.

Read more about What Walks These Halls here