How To Survive A Horror Movie by Scarlett Dunmore
How To Survive A Horror Movie follows Charley, a horror enthusiast and the new kid at an all girls boarding school on a remote island. Not only does she find herself constantly finding the bodies of her murdered classmates, but she can also see the ghosts of the girls who died. With only Carley and her best friend’s knowledge of the horror genre and its rules, they need to solve the murders before graduation.
How To Survive A Horror Movie is a super creepy and funny, Young Adult book. It has great characters and is really fun to read.
Read more about How To Survive A Horror Movie here
We Are Hunted by Tomi Oyemakinde
We Are Hunted follows Femi, who is accompanying his dad on a business trip to a secret, remote island. On the island, they discover strange animals, futuristic technology and a deadly secret. When bodies start falling, Femi must decide who he can trust with his life and how far he will go to survive.
We Are Hunted is a Young Adult thriller with some super unexpected twists. The creatures in the book are really interesting to read about and feel really original.
Read more about We Are Hunted here
First Term At Fernside by Sheena Wilkinson
First Term At Fernside is set after WW1 and follows two cousins. Both cousins are struggling to adapt to the changes of the new year. But when a friend’s dog disappears they and their friends try to figure out what is going on before any more pets go missing.
First Term At Fernside is a historical fiction middle grade book. It has a really fun mystery and the friendships in the book are great.
Read more about First Term At Fernside here