What is your book about?
It’s a story about four kids who go on a quest to search for a (possibly!) mythical large wild cat roaming the mountain further up their South Wales valley. Along the way, they learn a lot about each other – and themselves. It’s an adventure with peril and humour and obstacles to overcome but, more than anything, it’s a story of friendship and how far we go for our friends – both in miles and emotionally.
Who is your favourite character from your book?
Oh that is really tricky to answer so I’ll say the one who was most fun to write and that’s Jinx. I enjoyed showing how seemingly daft he is whilst also being simultaneously very clever. And I found it interesting to show how his attitude to Catrin changed as he let her in and got to know her properly. The dynamic between them was also fun to write.
Where did the idea for your book come from?
It very much came from a film called Stand by Me, which was made in the ‘80s and adapted from a book called The Body by Stephen King. It shows a group of four friends (all boys in this case) going on a quest, but what they learn along the way becomes more important that what they’re searching for. I wanted to see if I could recreate that strong friendship vibe and all the ups and downs that go with it.
All of your books are historical fiction, why is this? Have you ever written non historical books?
I really didn’t intend on writing historical fiction but, like most things with my writing (I’m not a planner!), it just sort of happened. I wrote a short piece in response to a writing task on a course I was studying and it turned into my first book; The Valley of Lost Secrets. I realised I enjoy research – which is necessary for good historical fiction – and portraying the lives of people in different eras. I haven’t written anything non-historical but maybe I will one day! Never say never!
If you were stranded on a desert island what 2 books, 2 movies and 2 animals would you bring?
Oooh good question! For books, I’d need a laugh so I’d take The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates by Jenny Pearson (illustrated by Rob Biddulph), and also The Hunger Games (the first book) by Suzanne Collins to inspire me to survive! Films would be my two all-time favourites; Pride and The Wizard of Oz. As for animals, I would like a very specific dog; his name is Derek and he plays the role of Tricki Woo in the TV programme All Creatures Great and Small. I’m a little bit obsessed with him and he makes me smile, so I think I’d need him on the island. And maybe a cow? I like cows and I could milk her and make cheese and butter.
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