Fallout by Lesley Parr

Fallout follows Marcus Pritchard who comes from a long line of thieves and criminals. The people in his town don’t usually look past Marcus’ name and most assume he will follow in his families footsteps. But Marcus has different plans. When an incident at the carnival puts a man in the hospital, Marcus gets the blame. With the help of his new friend, Emma, Marcus needs to figure out who caused the incident and learn to stand up to his family.

Fallout is set during The Cold War in Wales. It shows the perspective of what most peoples’ opinions were in that area and at that time. It shows the different perspectives of the protesters against the war and those who think that there is no way to stop the war. I learned about The Cold War in school, but this taught me how unsettling  it must’ve been during this time.

Fallout is a really sweet book. The characters are amazing and I loved seeing Marcus develop throughout the book. It was good to see Marcus start to become the person he wants to be in spite of his family and old friends. I really enjoyed learning about Jezza and Marcus’ past and why they stopped being friends.

I finished this book in just over a day, it has a really gripping plot that gets you really invested in each of the characters. I recommend this book to kids who like books about history, friendship, and defying expectations.